Billing & payments FAQ
What is the password for my postpaid e-Bill?
You will receive your e-Bill on your registered email ID. You will require an 8-characters password to open this file. The password for opening the PDF is a combination of the first 4 letters of the name in which your connection is registered (in lower case) as it appears on your Jio postpaid account (ignore spaces in the name if any) and the last 4-digits of your Jio postpaid number.
For example: If your name is Ramesh Kumar and your Jio postpaid number is 9XXXXX7007, then your password will be rame7007
If your name is R. M. Kumar and your Jio postpaid number is 9XXXXX7007, then your password will be r.m.7007
If your name is R MKumar and your Jio postpaid number is 9XXXXX7007, then your password will be rmku7007
You can also save the file for future reference or even print copies if needed.
For example: If your name is Ramesh Kumar and your Jio postpaid number is 9XXXXX7007, then your password will be rame7007
If your name is R. M. Kumar and your Jio postpaid number is 9XXXXX7007, then your password will be r.m.7007
If your name is R MKumar and your Jio postpaid number is 9XXXXX7007, then your password will be rmku7007
You can also save the file for future reference or even print copies if needed.
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