Postpaid IR - Pack & Pricing FAQ

I want to know about the different International Roaming Prepaid Packs offered by Jio. Can you please provide the details?

Yes, sure! Jio offers you various IR pack options which can be purchased as per your usage requirement post selecting the visited country as shown below:
  • Global Packs: ₹1101 and ₹1102 packs; applicable in 160+ countries
  • IR Voice & Data Packs: 3 validity options; applicable in up to 50+ countries
  • Annual IR Pack: ₹2799 pack; applicable in 50+ countries
  • Canada Packs: 2 validity options; applicable only in Canada
  • Caribbean Packs: 2 validity options; additional in-flight benefit with ₹3851 pack; applicable in 24 Caribbean countries
  • World Pack: 2 validity options; ₹2899 Pack has additional in-flight benefit; applicable in 78 countries
  • Saudi Arabia Packs: 3 validity options; applicable only in Saudi Arabia
  • East Asia Packs: 2 validity options; applicable only in Thailand, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Macau
  • US, Mexico and U.S.V.I Packs: 3 validity options; applicable in 3 countries
  • Gulf Packs: 3 validity options; applicable only in Gulf. (UAE, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait)
  • IR Data Only Packs: 3 validity options, applicable in 115 countries
  • Wi-Fi Calling to India-only (Voice Packs): 2 validity options, applicable in 160+ countries
For more details on IR packs, please click here.
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